// Massive High Profile Twitter Attack – Elon Musk, Kim Kardashian, Bill Gates, and Others! - humanit managed services

Massive High Profile Twitter Attack – Elon Musk, Kim Kardashian, Bill Gates, and Others!


Massive High Profile Twitter Attack – Elon Musk, Kim Kardashian, Bill Gates, and Others!

On July 15th, several Twitter accounts were hacked into and then posted a links to crypto scams.

(Image via CNET)

According to engadget, targets weren’t exclusively celebrities. Other accounts belonging to CoinDesk, Binance, Ripple, Gemini, Apple, etc. were also hacked. However, the messages were slightly altered based on which account was tweeting out the scam. “…A tweet posted to the account of Ripple promised “2,000 Ripple to random addresses that send over 1,000 Ripple to our Covid-19 Fund.” Other messages on targeted accounts, including Coinbase and Gemini, promoted a fictitious giveaway for “CryptoForHealth.””

Twitter Support explained that the hack wasn’t the result of malware. It was actually social engineering.

If you are interested in reading more about this and similar social engineering attacks against Twitter, then we would recommend this article from The Guardian.

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